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What were they thinking!

Shefali Tripathi Mehta

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You are waiting for the elevator; just as its doors open, someone barges in before you. You hold the heavy cinema door open and the gentleman behind you blithely leads his companion in without as much as a glance at you! The child is on a rampage in your garden and the proud mother looks on adoringly and proclaims, 'My kid toh just doesn't listen to me!' Exasperating? Mortifying? Or just plain funny? We've all been through these. Such irksome situations and quirks of people make us wonder, 'What were they thinking?' Or were they?

"Acute observations shot through with humour and sometimes a sense of barely suppressed outrage."
C K Meena, Author, Journalist

"Subtle wit and a sense of satire pervade Shefali's new book - What Were They Thinking. Common problems faced by the common man (or woman) have been addressed in an uncommon voice."
                                                                                                            – Shinie Antony, Novelist

"Kudos to Shefali for treading the genre of pure humour which is quite an untouched theme by Indian writers. She modestly states in the foreword that the book may not make you laugh out loud …. I beg to differ since me and my nine year old nearly rolled off the bed laughing more than a dozen times! The humour in the book is not lost on anyone which was very evident by the peels of laughter at Shefali's book reading recently at Easy Library."
Vanishree Mahesh, Proprietor Easy Library

To read a review by Times of India,  Bangalore click here

Pages 96
Price US $ 3.25
ISBN 81-8443-024-8 



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